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New Moon November 2018

Symbols of Protection

New Moon Scorpio 15 Degrees

November 7th 2018

'Children Playing Around Five Mounds of Sand'

Date of Manifestation:

May 4th 2019

Affected Chakra: Heart

Ray: 3rd

Arch Angel: Chamuel

Tarot: Temperance

Rune: Pertho

Deity: Normir

Letter: P

Tree: Elm

Plant: Belladonna

Animal: Woman

Bird: Heron

Astrology: Saturn

Color: Black

Element: Water

Bach: Heather

Number: 14


Strategic Maneuvers in Business, Continued Feeling of Debt from Toxic Feelings, Joyous Occasions, Astro Flying, Continued Growth in Personal Life, Intense Passion


Tomatoes, Potatoes, Eggplant, Chilli Peppers, Goji Berries, Cherries

Anything Nightshade is ideal to strengthen protection in the body and the soul.


Red Algae, Wolfberry, Allspice, cloves, Bay Leaves, Camphor, Cinnamon, Sassafras, Nutmeg, Witch Hazel, Wintergreen, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Sage, Anise, Licorice

A Ritual Bath with Red Seaweed/ Algae, Black Salt, Black for supreme cleansing.

Adding a cup of plaster of paris to the bath would begin Detox of GMO destruction; however, would hurt your plumbing. More on this soon...

The Colors of Empowerment are found in Libra; Taurus

The amount of communicable disease being created at this time warrants prevention of STDs and Meningitis.

Take care of yourself out there!

Namaste Y'all

Totem Schedule $75

Holistic Hypocrite. 2018. All Right Reserved

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