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Elements of Full Moon October 2018

Elements of Protection for Full Moon 1 Degree Taurus October 24 2018

'A Clear Mountain Stream'

Date of Manifestation: April 19 2019

Chakra: Third Eye, Ajna

Frequency: 7.83 HZ

Sound: AUM

Ray: 4th

Yoga Pose: Downward Facing Dog, Child's Pose, Dolphin Pose, Standing Forward Bend, Head to Knee Pose

Tarot: The Hierophant,The Fool, The Six of Pentacles

Rune: Raido

Deity: Thor

Tree: Oak

Plant: Arnica

Animal: Goat

Bird: Eagle

Astrology: Sagittarius

Planet: Jupiter

Color: Bright Red

Element: Fire/Air

Bach: Cerato

Letter: R

Number: 5

Chemical Element: Boron

(see next blog: Third Eye Detox)

Dreams: Rise above Station, overcoming obstacles, wise council, increase and promotion, great abundance and prosperity, gain in desire, attaining the highest possible outcome, high yield of harvest, caution of enemies gaining secrets or of business plans

Gems: Blue Sapphire, Amethyst, Bloodstone, Azurite, Quartz, Shungite, Fluorite, Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Black Tourmaline

Herbs/Oils: Sunflower Oil, Olive Oil, Vitamin E, Clove, Thyme, Oregano, Celery Seed, Sweet Basil, Lemon Verbena, Spearmint, Mugwort

Foods: Olives, Green Tea, Legumes, Rhubarb, Cacao, Barley, Squash, Hops, Nuts, Pomegranate, Grapes, anything with high copper content in regard to food

Empower the Heart Chakra and Protect the Third Eye

Prevention is the Intention of Protection

Fluoride and Calcium causes an imbalance and slow destruction of the Pineal Gland.

The Pineal Gland is the processing unit that controls all other body functions.

Fluoride and Calcium are the cornerstone of the American Diet.

America may be the first nation in recorded history to destroy an entire nation of people through slow genocide

Alchemy is defined as transforming Iron into Gold

Blood is 50 % Iron- The Holistic Hypocrite

Namaste Y'all!

Totem Schedule $75

Holistic Hypocrite. 2018, All Rights Reserved

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