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Elements of the New Moon in Libra 2018

New Moon Libra 2018

Circular Paths

Affected Chakra: Crown

Frequency: AH

Ray: 1st

Tarot: The Hanged Man

Rune: Jera

Deity: Frey

Tree: Oak

Plant: Rosemary

Animal: Fire Dragon

Astrology: Part of Fortune

Color: Light Blue

Element: Fire

Bach: Gentain

Number: 12

Chemical Element: Magnesium

Letter: Y

Oils: Ceder wood, Frankincense, Jasmine, Lavender, Myrrh, Neroli, Sandalwood, Rose, Veviter

Herbs: Lotus, Milkweed, Mugwort, Sage, Ginkgo, Calendula

Use Palo Santo Sticks instead of Sage and clean your household with essential oils to prevent the Strep Virus for the next two weeks.

Ideal Foods until October 24th 2018:

Low-Salt, Low-Fat, No Processed/ Canned Foods, Papaya, Apples, Bananas, Spinach, Beans

Lactobacillus Acidiophilus (Probiotic) , Green Tea, Honey, Olive Oil, and Licorice to prevent future issues forming at this time.

The Intention is to Prevent and Destroy the Strep Virus that is now growing in momentum in the living quarters and the Gut.

Without synthetic chemicals.

Put the Bleach and the Antibiotics down.

Soon neither will be effective.

Clove, Eucalyptus, Oregano, Thyme

Prevention is Intention of Protection.

Although a New Moon is hidden, the Dark Moon will be very active.

Treatments that stimulate the nerve endings of the feet could trigger unwanted emotions in yourself and your clients.

However, for the seasoned, protected, professional it is an ideal time for evoking all that you seek.

An elevated body temperature will indicate the Kundalini rise for this New Moon.

Namaste Y'all

Totem Schedule $75

Holistic Hypocrite 2018.

All Rights Reserved

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