Symbols of Twelve
Symbols of Protection for Venus Retrograde
Client: 28 Leo 42
Sabian Symbol: Many Little Birds on a Limb of a Large Tree
Ancient DNA: Left Leg of Orion
Tarot: The Hanged Man
Rune: Jera
Deity: Frey
Tree: Oak
Plant: Rosemary
Animal: Fire Dragon
Astrology: Point of Fortune
Color: Light Blue
Element: Fire
Bach: Gentian
Gems: Orange Tourmaline, Red Coral, Garnet, Fire Opal, Red/ Brown Agate, Amber, Citrine
Oils/Herbs: Carrot Seed Oil, Black Pepper, Cardamon, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Rose Hip, Bergamont, Cinnamon Carissa
Foods: Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkin, Winter Squash, Leafy Greens, Cantaloupe, Apricots, Blood Orange, Walnuts
Protect your legs and increase your consumption of Beta-Carotene during this transit.
Namaste Y'all
Symbolic Totem $75
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