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New Moon May 15th 2018

Gracie Bonaventure Cemetery #@C Photography

New Karma Moon May 15th 2018

After listening and secretly stalking, my Sensei for years; it has taken me a LONG time to understand things. I have done everything I have ever been taught to do and have failed miserably. Their way did not work out for some us.

So, I had to turn my love for Science, and the commitment to healing myself, into One understanding.

You get to write your own Karma today. Proof is in the Planets, folks. Nothing we have been taught is working but we have God, and numbers, and that alone is my foundation of brick and mortar faith.


You do not know where you are going unless you know where you have been.

Ask and you will receive- God

The best thing to remember when crafting any ritual, any prayer for that matter, is when asking the Heavens to show up for you, it works in the Spiritual Realm just as the Human Realm. You would never ask anyone you did not trust to help you.

Ask the Universe to deliver anything without protection and it delivers it bad or good. The Universe always delivers.

Protect yo’self!

There were many Gods at one time and they have all had many names. Proper nouns are actually a part of Spiritual Alchemy. If you stand next to a Jew, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Christian, and a Muslim, in prayer together, do you think it is just your God that shows up? Call Him/Her by name.

They each have a specific frequency vibration in names. Words are frequency and English is not recognized by the Gods in my opinion. Frequency is all we got. Be specific in your prayers.

Hades was a God, too. Just sayin…

Jesus is a magic word just like the rest of them. Ask the Archangels to protect you from harm but reach for the sky.

The bigger the spell the longer it takes.

Have you ever considered that those that speak loudly always get what they want? Those demanding obnoxious people speak loudly. We give them whatever they want so they will go away or so we can hold onto them. That is passive-aggressive boundaries and something we all need to consider when making decisions.

When you ask others to help you or if you offer help to someone, make sure it is a #Step 6 situation. It is your responsibility to be mindful of both sides of the Libra Consciousness and the new focus for the Third Eye at this time.

Even if you do not understand the paragraph above, saying an abundant prayer for someone that has wronged you really sets healing in motion for all parties concerned. Try something new.

A new understanding in forgiveness is the new Ego. You can never forget what has happened to you. You can only change your understanding of why it happened. It is a process finely written in Spiritual code and a really good time for a Spiritual Nerd.

Change your boundary habits and set better intentions in the realm of giving and receiving. We were not created to suffer so stop letting yourself suffer.

According to the Bible, Jesus already did that for you.

Stop setting yourself up for failure. Create your own Castle. Then you can decide who shall pass. Or not. Scorpio is the Moat. In every mark of Astrology, there is an underlying Scorpio element that you cannot see. The unseen is where protective beings and the foundation for Enlightenment, blooms.

For the evolved soul, write your obituary and think about what it will say. That is the Karma you are crafting at this moment. Make it count for all concerned and the betterment of Mother Earth. She would appreciate it!

And, for those that I can really speak to, on the Astro Spiritual plane, start crafting your next life. It helps make this one better. The Egyptians got it right.

Karmic Wounds for each of the Energies

Karma in Aries

As a Past-Life Hustler or Warrior, fighting is wired in your cells. According to Jessica Adams, one can check their IC to search this further. The ancient memories of fights won, and lost, are felt deep in your soul. Tragic deaths from these experiences, in past lives, can explain unrequited fear. Also, the Fight or Flight Syndrome is very apparent with a soul that has Karma in Aries.

You are destined to reform your Ego from self-absorbed egotism to restoring balance to all relationships, starting with the self. Focusing on the Creative Arts during this New Moon is the only magic that you need to focus upon. You are encouraged to open up and enrich the sensual pleasures on Earth without destroying other people.

This is an independent project for you in this incarnation.

Focus on being the best you can be without the assistance of others. Longevity it the birth right of an Aries.

Spirit knows it takes a long time to calm a warrior ego. High marks in Aries have the ability to withstand the long haul. Focus on these strengths without too much use of energy.

The end product of an Aries is to master the element of Fire. Fire is the strongest form of magic and the hardest to master unless you are using it for harm and then Fire Magic moves the fastest.

Black Magic manifests immediately because there is an abundance covering the Earth and ready for use. White Magic takes longer because it has to filter through the darkness to find the location of manifestation.

Say a prayer for the same thing every day for six months and see what happens. If you ask correctly, there will be no harm brought to you and you will indeed have some visual cue of what you have asked for. Sometimes the things you request take a while.

All good things come to those whose wait is a Spiritual Statement. Wait. It is worth it. But you also have to live while you are waiting. This is the role of the human ego.

Aries is the house of the soul. Aries is soul lived out loud.

Deep soul. Many memories

If the Ancient Aries can learn how to speak to the rest of us, they will indeed move Earth to their advantage. And ours.

Work on your delivery, Aries. We all want to hear what you have to say, but be nice. We are all trying to co-exist on a different dimension. You are the Sign that goes first so be a leader but different than you imagined. We need you and we are worth it and so are you.

Write your Ancient Novel and turn it into art. Make love not war!

Karmic Aries Psychical Symptoms

Injuries to the head, face, impotence, sterility, burns, cuts, shock, suicidal tendencies. Body dismorphic disorders and negative body shaming behavior lives here.

Aries New Moon

Aries Deccan One

Magic Abilities

Ancient communication

Tempted by Black Magic or hurting others.

Ascension Symptoms

Headaches, blurry vision, abscess, Acne breakout, toothache

Aries Deccan Two

You will be making decisions using ancient memory. Enjoy this experience and journal. Refer back to this moment around Thanksgiving. You will manifest whatever you ask for in this New Moon.

Ascension Symptoms

Back pain; especially in the lower back, meningitis possible.

Aries Deccan 3

Ancient money issues may be haunting you at this time. If you did not focus your goals for the betterment of others, Karma could be whipping you right now.

Set a new intention to use your energy to help those around you and your fellow man to immediately reverse this ancient wound.

Mars is at 29 Degrees. Fate is in your hands. Sit down, be quiet, and only think or say good things. This is too much magic for me to guide you through one blog.

Be good and do good. You cannot go wrong.

The healing color of Black would be the best thing you can do for yourself. 29 Degrees is the mark of the destroyer or be destroyed. And, with a very dark mark at 2 Degrees close to the Sun, do not do anything unholy at this time.

You can do this Aries.

Ascension Symptoms

Over production of Mucus, Sinusitis, Bronchitis, Allergies symptoms.

The best healing colors for this evening are Indigo and Yellow. You will find balance in these colors. Balance is what the soul seeks most.

Karma in Taurus

Karma in Taurus would make this incantation a tough walk. Arriving on Earth with this mortal wound to the wallet would create an unstable life from the first moment of Oxygen.

Fallen Kings and Ancient Royalty have Karma in Taurus. Thieves and financial failures live here. A false sense of entitlement definitely will manifest; out loud, here, as well.

So, with this mark, just as all of them, we are guaranteed the freedom to choose differently. With this Aspect in a Natal Chart, I encourage clients to seek beauty and balance and then all good things will follow.

The best healing work for this mark is Past- Life Regression and strengthen the boundary system. This may be the house of no hope but anyone can rise above their station.

Karma in Taurus is experienced through reality. This aspect seeks comfort and beauty and all things sensual. Because Kings recognize and understand the best.

An unusual amount of distrust lies within the Taurus soul. These people have swindled many in many lifetimes. A bullshitter can recognize a bullshitter. But with that arrogance also comes big hypocrites. They can do whatever they want but no one else is allowed. They will manipulate others to get exactly what they want. A King’s attitude with no boundaries. They are learning Scorpio and they get schooled. A high Fire element with this aspect is a nasty slayer.

Also, with this mark, in Ancient times, this soul may have encountered sexual abuse or is a sexual abuser in this carnation. Sex and the understanding of human love is something this soul sets out to master in this Earth walk. Men with this Karma have a hard time relating to women; either, intimately, or personally, or both.

For this New Moon, set intentions to help your fellow man; the whole world is doing without basic needs and you are the Manifestors of the Earth. You should share. Karmic reversal is guaranteed once a Taurus stops being selfish and self absorbed.

Karmic Taurus Physical Symptoms

Bladder issues, fertility issues, IBS, Ovarian Cysts, Testate disease, uterine fibroids, neck pain, neck issues, sinus and jaw issues, and alcoholism

Tarsus Decan One

Magic Abilities

Beginning Reiki

Downloading dark ancient Spiritual memories. These are just memories that are housed in your soul. Do not fear or act on them. Your answers are found there

Ascension Symptoms

You are opening to receive your gifts. Dry, scratchy throat could appear and as severe as strep throat, depending on how closed- off you are to your Spirit. Emotional symptoms always manifest in to physical disease.

Taurus Deccan 2

Magic Abilities

Strong healing in sorcery magic

Balancing Ancient darkness

Ascension Symptoms

Tonsillitis, Strep Throat, Mouth Blisters, Cold Sores

Taurus Deccan 3

Unless the higher Octave of Taurus is an Enlightened, stable being, this mark of Taurus could possible experience a Dark Night or hurt someone else. We all are deeply aware of negative manifestation of Taurus behavior. Be warned.

I am watching this aspect closely. It could be a very dark mark or a mark of healing. I am watching with the rest of you! Best intent.

Ascensions Symptoms

Alcoholism leading to Hospitalization, Suicide, Suicidal tendencies and behavior. Psychosis is readily available to the vulnerable and weak. Take care.

I know a few people with high aspects in Taurus Moons and their healing abilities will be on Fire in this Moon. Who is the Wizard? Lol!!

The healing colors for Taurus are green and purple

Karma in Gemini

A Past-Life Messenger or Scribe, and a mark found in the Natal Charts of Autistic People and those with superior intelligence. Slow to process information because they can see and think on the big goal. And because they are a little slower at processing information, other Earthlings do not have patience for this mark.

These people can change the World. And some will and some without ever speaking a word. Many of these Natives, along with Karma in Aquarius generation is why the new Age of Enlightenment is on the way. Give these people their platform because it is them that will lead the way.

Hard aspect here will manifest as a Speech Disorder or even mental illness. Whatever the outcome of this Aspect, hopefully the parents of these children are open-minded or the child will suffer horribly.

Healing here is through sound and sensual experiences and the student becomes the Teacher. Self esteem issues develop with this mark because they are told they are stupid, and their karma manifests as lack of self-esteem, they feel stupid and are not treated well by their siblings.

Typically, verbally abusive parents come with this mark because those with Gemini in past-life use their Air Magic to hurt people. Gemini karma in this Earth walk are the people running their mouths and getting knocked down by others. Shock and Awe is Trump. Hello?

Parents will make or break a karmic riddled Gemini child. It is hard enough for the rest of us to go through Retrograde, being a Gemini would be so hard. Have some compassion will you?

They are high-maintance kids with ADD that are always in trouble. Looking for other ways to fuel their imagination because human drama is pointless and a waste of intellectual time. Those with the most intelligence are not treated like everyone else. At least humanity is waking up to the possibility that it takes much more than muscle to change the world.

Humans are not used to dealing with real intelligence anymore. Arrogance in speech or no speech at all lives here. Knowledge, and writing, is what feeds the soul.

Mental and emotional abuse or the abuser. Communication disorders, Miscommunication mixed with being misunderstood or a master manipulator. Air Wizards manifest from this pain. Mental stimulation though the senses, massage of the thinking centers and acupuncture would assist this brilliant soul. Mild Asperger’s is found here.

Digestive Issues, anxiety, speech problems, epilepsy and palsy are manifestations of hard Gemini aspects and transits.

Gemini Decan One

Magic Abilities

Balancing Ancient Wounds.Call in Archangel Michael to help you build a solid foundation of integrity for your heart, life and legacy. He is sitting ready and available for you to manifest true self confidence. With the Aspects heading to the House of Gemini, the future is not yet written for you because you can change it. I would ask Michael to guide me every day for the next 8 years if I was this Decan of Gemini. Karma transits and the outcome is a manifested responsibility. God Bless the Geminis

Ascension Symptoms

Severe anxiety that could possibly give rise to the beginning of a tumor. It is the request of Spirit that the Gemini’s move forward into the Ancient roles of Scribes they once lived. Open and receive your calling and no sickness will come to you. You only have to say yes and then have some lemonade. Don’t make this hard for the Angelic messages to get into your head. Spirit will send the can opener if you do not open to new thinking. You do not want that at all. Open. Receive. It is that easy.

Areas of the ribs, lungs, and female breast is where your magic centers lie during this Moon. Berthing through the Throat, Heart and Solar Plexus would be the best thing.

Gemini Decan 3

Magic Abilities

During this New Moon you have the ability to solve mysteries to answer that have haunted your soul. Maybe many times. Ask for this experience in your best intent. Be shown these images without harm or fear. You should ask for recognizable symbols and Totems to be shown, safely, to you to make sure you are on your journey. The symbols and synchronizations in every mundane existence help an awakened soul know they are on point. We need our signs.

Ascension Symptoms

Areas of the ribs, lungs, and female breast is where your magic centers lie during this Moon. Breathing through the Throat, Heart and Solar Plexus would be the best thing.

Green and Purple are your colors for balance in the New Moon.

Karma in Cancer

Karma in the 4th House is the result of broken feelings, a broken home, and possibly Cancer, itself. Cancer manifests from dirty feelings and then add the foods that are offered to people, a.k.a. GMO, and you have a toxic house to hold your Soul.

A tough mark for anyone; especially, during a Karma transit.

Karmic debts owed to this individual will manifest as abundance if the Soul chooses the correct path. Past-life Preachers and Healers gone-wrong live here. May come across as judgmental, arrogant, or just plain rude.

They live their past life feelings out loud because they feel them so deeply and can manifest as mental illness, depression. Sadness happens when you do not follow what your heart wants. And, without a stable foundation, disaster can strike at any time.

It is your Responsibility to overcome all the obstacles and hardships that you were born into. Focus on Global scale healing because that big picture goal will repair your Karma though the Law of Attraction and bring to you what it is you seek.

Everything that you need to build in this incarnation needs to be built on brick and mortar values but you can do this with patience.

Relationship with the Mother figure here could be very rocky and detrimental to this placement. Separation from the birth family is the best healing thing this aspect could do if negatively affected. If you feel yourself being pulled into the darkness, write it down and burn it.

Do not tempt dealing with major issues in your life until the Moon moves out of void. You are the Master of feelings. Use them for higher purpose than you once imagined. God is hiring Cancers. ;)

Cancer is a very emotional sign. With this Moon, Light Blue is the color balance and healing. I recommend all things soft blue until the Moon phase is over. Use the elements of fire when you are feeling down.

Ascension symptoms for all Decan’s of Cancer include anxiety, nervousness, severe agitation, heartburn, upset stomach, and severe gastric distress.

Have a weekend on the couch. You have the ability to cast harm on others with your feelings. As long as you wish to the greatest outcome for all concerned, dark feelings are a part of being human and being real about emotions. Process them in White Light.

Blue, Red and all other colors associated with the elements of Fire, Bloodstone, Garnet, Black Tourmaline, etc. Eat food with deep pigments for optimal manifestation power

Karmic Cancer Physical Symptoms

Reoccurring colds, pneumonia, breast disorders, kidneys, stomach problems, ulcers, the left eye of the male and the right eye of the female

Cancer Deccan 1

Magic Abilities

The ability to see Auras

Ascension Symptoms

Asthma attacks

Middle back pain

Cancer Deccan 2

Magic Abilities

The ability to tap into knowledge of your ancient past. Maybe experience some darkness but it is something you need to deal with.

Ascension Symptoms

The Collective Conscious is tapping on the walls of your stomach. If you feel significant pain or discomfort, it is not you. Ginger Tea could help you get through it.

Cancer Deccan 3

Magic Abilities

You have the ability to tap into your highest self and access all that you need and want to know. You have the ability to tap in into the Triple Goddess but at the same time you could get psychically attacked if you Astro Travel without pure intention.

Astro Travel should not be attempted this evening by an amateur. But to the trained Wizard, grab your broom!

The high Decan of cancer should not drink, do drugs, or watch disturbing things. Do not let the Demon in. They are lurking around you at this time. Human or otherwise.

Tantric abilities are available and the possibilities a 29 Degree Cancer male could become the father of a great future leader this weekend. Spirit is ready to fertilize the new kids. And, yes, one can predict the outcome of a pregnancy. It is a generalized guess because without a scheduled birth time it is an educated best guess. A great gift for new parents. They seem to love it the most of all gifts. Lol!

Feng Shui for a baby’s room is designed through the Akashi Record. A room designed in designated colors tailored to the soul is healing through Osmosis. You should do this for yourself as well.

Ascension Symptoms

Delusions, chest pains, heart burn, indigestion, and many other gastric unpleasantness. Peppermint tea would be a perfect tasty prevention.

The healing colors for Cancer in the New Moon are red and light blue.

Karma in Leo

Karma in love is a challenge. In this life walk you were created to experience romance and/or creative joy.

In a past life you destroyed people, probably a Player, non-committal, and hurt many people. This life you will have your heart broken many times until you love yourself. The greatest way to remove oneself out of this Karmic debt is to focus on healing the hearts of society as a whole and open to different ways of relating to people. Make a difference in other lives.

Whatever you want for yourself, give it to someone else. Unconditional Love is master healing for Karma in Leo. Hard Squares will force the Native into regeneration after their path of destruction stops. Failures in a past life haunt this aspect in relationships. Trust does not come easily because this aspect accepts loyalty, only. Multiple marriages happen here.

Healing during this Moon for Leo will be found in rest and relaxation. Put the phone down and just rest. Orange and Black are your healing colors for this moon. Orange Peel Tea.


Karmic Leo Psychical Symptoms

Heart Problems, Strokes and issues with the eyes and lymphatic circulation problems. Right Eye in males and the left eye in females.

First Decan Leo

You may experience a little bit of chest pain, anxiety and possible panic attacks during this New Moon; or possibly; a heartbreak. You are manifesting new actions to take with your boundaries. You should document this transition and see what decisions you made at this time and how different life will be by Christmas.

Change in boundaries is a shift in reality.

You will be given messages in your dreams of how to manifest balance in your heart.

Pray for protection before you go to sleep and ask for clear guidance in your best intent. Call on your favorite Archangel. You rule these Guides and they are available at your service. Use them at your advantage for the self and others.

Second Decan Leo

You have the ability to connect to the purest part of your soul. The best decisions can offer you the most help. Rest for you would be the best ritual for this New Moon. You are in the midst of manifestation of strength. Do not change your course at this time. Pray for protection and guidance for all concerned.

Unconditional love is what your soul is wired to experience. Leos have to experience significant heartbreak before they understand these lessons. If we taught Leo children to love everyone, their lives would be much easier and everyone would benefit.

They hold the torch of love for the Collective Conscious. With great power comes great responsibility. An evolved Leo is Gandalf and something to strive for in your life quest. Give love and understanding without expecting something in return is the Master stroke of the Leo.

Reach higher than you image.

Pull yourself out of the ancient pond scum and you shall have what you seek.

Third Decan Leo

Awareness in possibilities of dark marks prevents accidents, in my opinion. There is a very dark mark located next to the Sun in this New Moon. I am monitoring it closely. Possibility of a Global Crime against humanity could happen this weekend.

However, a Wizard also knows how to contribute to the positive outcome instead of fear. We do have the power to change some outcomes. Fated occurrences are something that no one sees coming. So when I see dark marks that have happened once in History usually do not manifest the same. Thank Goddess!

Fear is removed by knowing you are doing the best that you can do with what you have. You cannot control everything, or everyone, Leo. Give love and you will receive it. Love is not supposed to be selfish, your Majesty.

Your job in this New Moon is to not fear things you cannot see or understand. Remain strong in that faith works in your favor and hopefully you have been working your way to your Highest Good.

Whatever you think about, whatever you wish for at this time will appear by your Solar Return. Get rid of your anger and judgments of others. You will manifest all you seek. Darker things; first, if you are not careful.

Remember that it is a new day in our current Virgo situation. The fuel of manipulation that rules our planet is being removed.

The nice guys that finished last; well, it is our turn. Those blazing Egos that rape the Earth of all its goodness will be destroyed. The Patriarchal rule that once held the Earth in prison will fall. Hopefully without struggle if we spell-casted correctly.

This is not a fear statement either. 40 Million and counting says that it is time for a better day. Sorry, but no one can stop the Light that is being spread over this human existence and it will continue to spread even after we are gone.

Women decided enough is enough and we are taking back our Planet and in Grace, Beauty, and Kindness. This is the day of the New Woman. Welcome, Phoenix! We got help from the boys this time. One…

Humans were not created to suffer. The Witches and Warlocks have taken this reversal, personally. Change it here! For the betterment of all. Because we decided this as a community a long time ago. It is written.

The Dark comes before the Light because we are impatient and demanding. The Universe delivers whatever is next available. Those lessons always suck!

No thanks!

The healing colors for Leo are orange and black.

Karma in Virgo

From the Heart to the Crown is the life of Karma in Virgo. This placement demands the best care of the self in regard to health.

The best Surgeons and Therapist have this placement. Past

Life healers that failed themselves and others. A great placement especially when the soul chooses to play the good karma card and give to society in order to create the reality that is wanted.

Karmic Virgo Psychical Symptoms

Disease in general, heart disease, Cancer of the gut, disease of the stomach, bowels, intestines and abdomen

New Moon forecast for all Virgos

At this point all Virgos are manifesting the fallout of their thinking. Maybe since they were born. For some this could be a grand vision of all you asked. For some it may be a total take down of the manipulation system that you have given to others since you have been born.

Some Virgos may short circuit this weekend and go full Bitch Mode in which they are famous for. The take down of the manipulation for gain on this Planet leaves now. Let’s see how the Virgos do. They are the products of their manifestations because they Mastered Earth Magic, first.

The Aspects affecting Virgo are at 0 Degrees. The Mark of Alchemy. You can have whatever you want and not what others give you. You are opening up to receive the manifestation of your Magic. And the Guardian Angel Raphael is there standing watch. I would call him into help.

Virgos were the Vestal Goddess. Their Magic has become dark because of the beliefs taught by the Angelo Saxons. But, the descendants of Atlantis gather as we speak and White Magic will be taught here once again.

To a better day…

The healing colors for Virgos are yellow and Indigo

Karma in Libra

Most difficult Earth Walk.

If you know any Libras, you understand how hard Earth is for them. Imagine having past-life deep seated injuries that happen in all relationships with these individuals.

You must choose only good pure souls around you. Manipulate a Libra with this placement and you will find yourself hurt.

Besides Cancer, Libra is found among the most brutal killers. I would imagine that many vicious killers have this placement along side of Karma in Leo. These are the people that pollute the prison systems with senseless, multiple murders.

Serial killer aspect with ancient memories of enforcing moral code. Arrogance mixed with ignorance happens here. They were the judge and jury once. Karma can play out in many ways.

Holding oneself in integrity with others is the only way to get through this life. Of, course, one cannot be in integrity with others if it does not start in the self, first.

Karmic Libra Psychical Symptoms

Disorders of the throat and trouble with speech, pain in the back of the neck, skin sensitivities, skin allergies, dysfunction with sexual reproduction, and horrific PMS.

First Decan Libra

Some Ancient darkness and arrogance could manifest for you this weekend. If you find yourself angry at any situation this weekend, or fear riddled, remember that is indeed an Ancient experience you are clinging to from a very long time ago. You need to respond more positively than you have ever considered.

You could actually manifest your family roles from past lives this weekend. If you feel scared or threatened, remember it is just a moment and you much always be in a state of balance as you move forward with anything from this point.

Libra being in integrity helps all of us. The keepers of balance, justice, and beauty. That is why you were created. Balance is your key to manifest the life you seek. This weekend, balance in your family is highlighted.

Second Decan Libra

You are crafting knowledge and understanding in your closest relationships. Not always pleasant for a Libra unless they are surrounded by healthy selfless souls.

Remember for this weekend any changes you make will become a responsibility you will have to uphold, maybe for the rest of your life.

Make sure everything is for the greatest good for all concerned. You cannot go wrong. Make sure you take care of you, though. Libras get destroyed by the Dark. A genetic marker they have to learn how to silently deal with because it is something they cannot put into words.

You must label something to understand it.

Third Decan Libra

Before you rest this evening, as for your answers about decisions to appear in dreams. You have the ability to access prophetic messages.

The healing colors for Libra are yellow and Indigo.

Ascension symptoms for all of Libra

Lower back pain, kidney issues, UTIs, and vascular swelling resulting in very high blood pressure.

The healing colors for Libra are yellow and Indigo.

Karma in Scorpio


Yes, that don’t even sound good.

Scorpios were once the greatest healers that have ever walked on this Planet. Regeneration and Kundalini experts that held high office. They performed the last Rites in Egyptian times and Scribed into the Book of the Dead. A job given to the most loyal and trusted of all souls.

But, this is not Egypt.

Scorpio rules the Underworld and when a Scorpio enters your life, strap in. Because I guarantee you will not be the same. Ask any Scorpio Mom!

Someone has to govern the darkness, and it is their job to keep energy moving. They rule kinetic energy. Someone has to stir the spoon but all they have to do is arrive and Earth moves.

Scorpios are required to give back without being selfish regardless of the destruction that happens around us. Things fall apart when we are around but always built stronger. I did not make the rules, this is the way I understand them. Lol!

he Earth was Organic and healthy once. The Water Signs flourished in a fruitful environment. If you have an unstable Water person in your life right now, they are the poster child for the unhealthy environment that we have become. GMO Zombies appear first in Water Signs.

They collect all the bad stuff, like a magnet, all day long until something breaks; every day, until something or someone breaks them. Then force them to go to the Doctor so you can be comfortable. We work like a sponge. We can hold so much and one good squeeze, too hard, and the Wrath of God happens.

Boundaries are a Master Stroke.

This is just a little bit of the information that Scorpios house in their vessel. Most of them have no idea who they really are and it is their Sun Sign. They drink and do drugs just to shut those voices up. Some of us wear a mask better than others and that is the only difference between the aspects of Scorpio.

We have deep dark demons that no one even knows about. Most of us have visions that we never repeat out loud to anyone.

Don’t think for a minute that you can understand a Scorpio. They will morph two times before you understand one thing. You learn to cope or you don’t.

The Scorpios walking the planet right now are not aware of their own magic but Karma in Scorpio people have no idea why the Karma Truck ran over them and backed up. Jupiter in Scorpio people know what I mean. Awareness of your karma and past life, whether you believe in it or not, significantly helps with the understanding of why you keep getting destroyed.

A healthy Sacral Chakra is the only way to keep those dark demons contained. A lot of research and hard core Spiritual Work goes into healing the Sacral Chakra. Like any big goal, develop a healing plan. I will provide those soon. Stay tuned…

For this New Moon the Heart of Scorpio which affects everyone is focused on manifesting solid beliefs which will manifest as emotional strength.

For those coming into their Heart this is great news. For some, this could be a life changing event. Remember that everything works as planned. What determines our own individual frequency comes from the inside. Protecting yourself from external emotions is a Master Stroke.

Do not be too hard on yourself if you are not where you want to be. Hold faith until the life you ordered, arrives.

For some Scorpios, this is a very exciting time to watch the Dark become the Light. No joke. Evolution is happening in the 8th House. Maybe one day it will not be seen as the dark dungeon that most think. There is power in the 8th House. Especially when you work for the good team. Because we have learned that strengthening our weakness is what actually made us strong!

Alchemy lives in this powerhouse because this is where science and life are created. Too bad Science doesn’t understand the power in knowledge of the cells here. It is where DNA is created and where life begins. Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the Cell and Scorpio is the water to make the Spiritual Soup.

Keep your Water clean and you will heal by forced diffusion.

Karmic Scorpio Physical Symptoms

Contagious Disease, Aids, Herpes, HIV, Venereal Disease, Mono, Sterility, hormonal imbalances, disease from harmful chemicals, poisonings, Skin Cancer and radiation damage

Second Decan Scorpio

Magic Abilities



Past life visions

Third Deccan Scorpio

Magic Abilities


Connection to the Divine through Shamanistic means

Extreme Déjà vu

Ascension Symptoms

Nasal issues, over drinking, female issues, severe menstrual pain, tonsillitis

Depending where you are in your evolution, this New Moon will begin the tangible evidence of a rise above station or destruction.

A Scorpio must experience Kundalini. The soul chooses the color of the event. There is no way around it but for some lucky Scorpios, raised in a spiritual environment; well, let just say we have not met this person yet. I can’t wait to watch…

This is not an easy walk but can be done and in integrity. Water Signs will experience significant wounds to the soul until our Planet evolves. We hold the dark feelings for the entire Collective Conscious.

And the understanding, of ONE, that is just now being discovered or at least acknowledged by Western Society. We are way behind in our Ego evolution.

Until every soul matters, all things will crumble. God and the Age of Aquarius demand it. The greatest healers are born into the mark of Scorpio but also the darkest of dark.

Darkness is something not understood by my society. They all think they are the Light but have no idea the journey one must go to get there. They bring harm to themselves by trying to be a good person. Boundary Negative Soul person.

Enlightenment is not the Status Quo of North America.

The healing colors for Scorpios are green and purple.

Karma in Sagittarius

With Sag on the 6th house Cusp, we are manifesting through the Third Eye and on Earth. Visible Manifestations too.

However the Philosophers and Teachers of our Planet are going through Transformation. Transformation is never easy.

Shedding skin is a painful invisible human experience. Lucky for the Sag, Jupiter will be in Sagittarius early November and although it may not be exactly what you have envisioned, please know that the Universe will support you through the Metamorphosis.

Karma in Sagittarius is a mortal wound to the belief system. Learn to believe. Believe in yourself and your desires. You will be handed the keys and then you will teach the rest of us.

Born Teachers are found in the Ninth House and the Sun sign of Sagittarius.

The Centaur points and then pounce. Make sure you have a stale foundation before any pouncing is done. Remain true to your heart because you are supposed to teach us to believe, again.

Only six more months and then you can once again rebuild stability in your life. An 8th House shake up has not been too kind to you. Blessings to you!

The built in wand for the Sagittarius is the forefingers of each hand. Use your magic wand, the forefinger, point at your checkbook and tell it to fill itself.

Try it.

Why not?

Karmic Sagittarius Physical Symptoms

High Blood Pressure, eye issues, facial paralysis, headaches, insomnia, migraines, panic attacks, sinus problems, brain tumors, the list is endless when your beliefs are the root cause of your issues.

Magic abilities for all Sagittarius

You have the ability to call Uriel to guide you through this stage because you are faced with the Heart of Scorpio. Your darkest fears. You are cleaning out your karmic closet. Just ask for the White Light to guide through the Dark transition. When you are surrounded by the Dark call the Light. Very effective at this time.

Ascension Symptoms

Fever, food poising, anxiety

The healing colors for Sagittarius are green and purple.

Karma in Capricorn

Karma visibly experienced on Earth.

A tough penance with hard aspects. Karma relating to governing of others, large organizations. A fallen leader or maybe a scapegoat that did not stop some crimes against humanity. Hitler and his Henchmen will incarnate here in the future.

The goats are here to master responsibility and clean up their karma. Either Past-Life Judges, jailers, executioners, liars (Spirit inserted that word) people that have watched others suffer and done nothing or either people that have been destroyed by these Archetypes.

This is a wound healed through striving for a place in society. They have a desire to prove themselves in a big way. Sometimes through delusions of grandeur.

Early childhood rejection is found here in the Mother role.

Parental influences can make this karma worse and the child never feels good enough. Material gain and disarray of the self reverses karma in Capricorn.

Perhaps this is where the Vestal Goddess redeems her crown: I know a few of those. But is the Karmic Trench when caregivers are not evolved people of children with this mark. So much to learn through astrology and there is never enough time.

To reverse the Karma here is to simply contribute the healing of mankind. Plant a tree; switch to solar, get a hybrid, anything you can do to better humankind, even a small gesture.

Helping someone else become independent also counts as positive karma and actually requires knowledge and energy, only.

You do not have to give someone money to make their life better. Help someone find a map they cannot see. Give someone a month transit ticket on the public bus system. Give different. You receive different.

Karma relating to Capricorn is a soul that should be allowed to focus on their career and reminds me of the Goddess Diana, and/ or the Cat Lady.

Because indeed a Cat Lady is a goddess of her own reality. Not yours. It is unique to the experience you create for yourself.

Helping others achieve big goals, in healing humanity, is defiantly recognized by the Gods as we sit in ‘Orb to the Age of Aquarius’ -C.Witecki.

I did not believe in rituals or ‘Hippie Magic’ once. But I know for a fact that when I burn some Chamomile Buds, while drawing my Tarot Cards, with morning coffee, that I am going to receive a gift from the Universe.

Trust me; nothing else has worked as well. Even working 12 hours a day.

Chamomile is only $2 a bag and available at your local grocery. Look in the Mexican spices. And, for those hustling parents out there who are hanging by a tight tread on Food Stamps, you can purchase herbs and seeds.

Many nice and organic herbs are in the fruit sections of your local grocer and very cheap. You can make many things with these herbs and a little knowledge. Use what you have but think differently about the word need. Herbs make teas, baths, season food with health benefits, etc.

A Sage plant can become your own Sage stick. You know you are going to buy them anyway. Cheaper to make your own.

And, we all need to be very real about the current state of struggling families. Capricorns are the CEO’s of planet Earth; please, use your chart effectively to help your fellow man.

Even if you are not trying to Grandmaster out of here, we are all doing the best we can with the tools we are handed.

Be nice to yourself and others and let’s leave something good for our kids and all generations to come. That alone is a good enough request.

Saturn in Capricorn will not last forever and saying a prayer for world peace takes five seconds of your time. You must give to receive. Giving good will requires no energy but huge returns. That applies to any Sun Sign, as well.

Oh, and remember that Saturn rules your middle finger; appropriately, use it as a wand instead of a weapon. Just sayin…

Karmic Capricorn Physical Symptoms

Eye disease, severe knee issues, Muscular Dystrophy, Connective Tissue Diseases, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Stress, Muscle issues, and destruction, hair loss, hair issues, migraines, dyslexia

Magic Abilities

This New Moon the ‘Vessel’ is housed in Capricorn. Whatever you wish for will appear. Ask in your best intent. There are no tools required.

Breathing through the Throat Chakra is the only thing available at this time to manifest Balance in all that you seek.

The magic is already set in motion. Throat Chakra work is ideal for all to embrace at this time.

Ascension Symptoms

Knee pain, knee injuries, leg pain.

The healing colors for Capricorn are light blue and red.

Karma in Aquarius

Aquarius is an undefined dimension and unique to the individual. I believe that Aquarius, like Scorpio, can grow up to be anything they want.

Aspects with the Regal Stars and Ancient theory help guide one through the Aquarius network. It is alien energy because it cannot be labeled like the rest of the Astrological Clock. A study that I cannot wait to unfold.

Autism aspects here are severe.

Karma in Aquarius is isolated and cold. These folks are drawn to the tech world; avoid social interaction and definitely large crowds.

They desire to fit in somewhere typically from negative childhood memories of isolation. Finding real connection with others is a part of positive karma that those with wounds in Aquarius need to heal. You need to belong with your kind.

Karmic Aquarius Psychical Symptoms

Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Schizophrenia, Multiple Sclerosis are just some of the few Karmic repercussions found in Aquarius. More on this soon.

Magic Abilities

Access to Ancient Memories from many lifetimes that can help guide to the decisions you seek. Just ask for guidance from your Ancient Guides. They are available to you at this time.

Ascension Symptoms

Gout, swelling, water retention, Higher than normal blood pressure.

The healing colors for Aquarius in this New Moon are Black and Yellow.

Karma in Pisces

Well here you have reached the end of the karmic wheel God’s favorite kids. Some very dark nights will be served here if the soul can withstand the karmic ride that will be encountered here.

Pisces have a very dark, deep ugly voice buried inside them that haunts them most of their lives. They keep it buried deep inside of them so no one can see or hear it. Until their mask falls off….

Pisces wounds are invisible and haunt the Native unless raised in an enlightened family: a very rare gift.

Karma in Pisces is a hard aspect here or Karma in Pisces transit could send a vulnerable soul over the edge. So many of us with Chiron in Pisces have been there and we can all tell about some dark encounters on Earth and the Angelic Plane.

Karma in Pisces is an Angelic Contract that the soul needs to take seriously. Most end up doing drugs or drinking because the Planet will not give them to time to develop the gifts they been handed.

The indecisiveness of Pisces, the detachment of reality and the inability to make decisions are seen as a mental illness to the general population.

Mental Illness is not a death sentence. It is an adaptable disorder that you have to adjust your life around.

The 9 to 5 grind don’t work for the sensitive soul but they have just as much to offer. It is a shame that social anxiety really keeps people from doing and enjoying many things.

Work around your obstacles and find a way to be a contributing member of society. Find the right teachers. Each of you has something to teach all of us so get help to find your way. Good Karma comes to those who heal.

Karmic Pisces Physical Symptoms

Problems with the Lymphatic System, Lymphatic Cancer, problem with eyes and nearsightedness. Epilepsy, Depression.

Of course, insanity, mental illness, delusions and all the labels that are applied in regards to Psychotic medication and hospitalization for psychiatric illness are found here.

Magic Abilities for all of Pisces

Archangel Gabriel is available for you to harness strength.

You are all-knowing and can see all. Use this to solve your unsolved Ancient mysteries in direction of life’s quest.

Ascension Symptoms

Feet problems, foot pain and the start of an ingrown toe nail.

The healing colors for Pisces are Yellow and Indigo.

Do you know where you came from?

If you would like to schedule an Ancient Past Life Reading with a custom print out of your Magic Abilities, please email Customer Support. $175 and available on Skype. Evenings only.

Holistic Hypocrite

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