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Religon's Role in the Destruction of the Self Esteem in Women

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Religion's Role in the Destruction of the Self Esteem in Women

Did you know that you are filthy dirty beast according to every Ancient Text?

Do you accept this?

I refuse…

The following blog would have me slain in another culture. But, I am an American and God gave me a highly evolved brain.

Men have no right in the business of blood.

The list goes on and on….

Ancient Religions have some Karma to face. Jupiter in Scorpio is going to make it so from this point forward.

I am a recovered Southern Baptist, currently a practicing Buddhist but preparing for the Catholic Church.

My Sunday School Teacher would take us to services in other Religions, and once visiting a Synagogue, the girls were seated in the back, boys in the front. That has shaped my entire realty because the boys were never better than me. I was taught to shut up, sit down and act like a ‘Lady’. But, I am a Scorpio. Too bad I was not encouraged to be a rebel with a cause instead of a misfit. The plight of my Southern Baptist upbringing…

I am sending my Certificate of Baptism back to the Church where my Baptism was performed. Because Jesus truly love women and what they were created for and not the cast of judgement and disgust that is our Virgo Reality. I have met The Patriarch to help guide my rouge mind and soul. Thanking God for the few evolved men still left on this Planet and the understanding of what we women truly have to offer.

I will not help you make your own mind about these concepts but when you go to the mirror and think you are not worthy, it is truly not your fault. We are considered ‘lesser than’ but without us there would be nothing. That is tremendous power but all of you give it away. And, you give it away to the worst humanity has to offer and then wonder why you get hurt. The God that I know and understands expects us to embrace the Feminine. God wants you to understand your worth and the Temple you carry inside of you that is the Chalice.

And, if you do not agree with me that is fine. As long as you are being true to your heart and have all that you need, you would never even consider these options. My journey has been different that yours and this is not about judgement. It is just this thinking has not worked for the majority of us. We all have different journeys. be kind to one another. Until Women unite and get a long. We are stuck solely in disagreement and that is not solving anything.

Be true to who you are, regardless of the road you travel.

We work for pennies compared to the salaries of men. We apply for Government assistance to feed our children and are criticized or doing just that. We take Birth Control to mask and control the hormonal symptoms, so we can work, and perform just like a man. Regardless of the side effects from horse pee and synthetic hormones that no one speaks about. Sadly, most people have no idea the things that the Doctor gives you can be made at home and with no garbage added. And, it is the mindset of a negative Patriarch Society, and horrible Christian thinking, that if no one sees it, it is not there. I mean what would the neighbors think for goodness sake?


This is just the beginning of my rant and revenge to the Status Quo in thinking that women are’ lesser than.’ Do accept it? Are you a conformist? Yes, most of you are but I encourage you to think differently and outside of the box that has created your mental prison. My Sensei told me to create my own Church. It was the best advice this soul needed, permission to challenge what is. I encourage you as well.

If you do not understand what gift your Chalice holds, I offer Scorpio University. A 75$ phone reading that shows you the way to Kundalini without destruction. However, by the time anyone needs a Psychic, they have already experienced their Dark Night of the Soul and they seek us out to find out what happened. Prevention is always better than the cure and this reading is a great present for any young women beginning her independence. Ceres Direct and I expect the role of Women to be totally different five years from now. I am going to be a very busy woman. Indeed.

We are taking down the Owl with 40 Million and counting…. Want to join us?

Email customer support at holistischypocrite@gmail. com for info on readings, tarot, services, coaching, especially in business, or anything of taboo, or in times of darkness. We are here to help.

God bless in the Highest!

Namaste Y’all!

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