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Jupiter in Scorpio Checkup...

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Jupiter in Scorpio Checkup...

How much weight have you gained?

So ,how much weight have you gained since October?

Yes, you can blame your puffiness on the Planets, too!

Although it is easy to predict certain/specific weight problems with a Natal Chart, when Jupiter moves through a sign, especially Scorpio, we all gain a few pounds.


Good question…

Weight gain occurs for so many reasons. In Astrology, a negative affected Ceres can give rise to an eating disorder. Jupiter transiting the First House can cause weight gain. Transits to the 2nd House can disturb your Thyroid. Transits involving the 8th House can rock your hormones and it is possible you could become overly obsessed about sex/lust or gain weight. Both. Who is to say anything for sure but if history repeats itself, and humans do not morph out of their ways, by Christmas the economy can be boosted by new clothing sales, alone. Fact not Fiction.

Jupiter is the Planet of Expansion and Scorpio is Transformation and Reproduction. And when the Soul is not protected, as most are not, Jupiter comes in to test your protection of the Self. This can result in significant weight gain, a manifestation of disease, bankruptcy, division or union of karmic relationships or a surprising divorce just to name a few things. As a Scorpio myself we consume a great deal of food. It takes a whole lot of energy to be a Scorpio. Our energy is constantly pumping, it never stops, the energy output is maximum which means we have to have a constant flow of nutrition to feed it. Never mind a consistent flow of clean water to flush the empathic residue from our cells. Unless you are an evolved Scorpio and then you feed your body alcohol, drugs, sex, shopping or any form of escape that you can get your hands on. We are all too much until we learn to turn it down.

Destroying people can be included in this transit as well. Scorpios do not have a good reputation. Oh, I have met a few of those on my path as well. All I will say is that I am glad to be a Psychic and I have learned to take great strides in Reading all Signs in Water. Anyone can be Evil though regardless of Sign. Scorpio is no joke. Add Jupiter to make it bigger lol!

Heck, the first day that Jupiter went into Scorpio, at 0 Degrees, a 4 Degrees Libra took out a very wealthy, prestigious 29 Degree Pisces. Jupiter in Scorpio started off with a BOOM and it is only half way done. Weight gain seems minor compared to a shift for the betterment of Women. But, this is no ordinary transit.

This time in history is not the ‘norm’ and traditional Astrology will be tested, itself, in the next four years. Pluto is here, along with Saturn in Capricorn, and these powerful transits, mixed with Uranus in Taurus, loading, let’s just say that I hope History does not repeat its self this time. It is coming none the less.

Pluto in Capricorn occurred during the Civil War in early United States history. We are still behaving like there is a division of the races and our leader is the poster child representing the white American male. Most of the people in our Country hate him; although, they act just like him. No one appreciates a mirror in front of their face. Judgment is judgment regardless who is throwing it. They judge the Judge. United States karma. It is embarrassing. And a total waste of time. Trump is the best option we have at this time. It takes a monster to fight monsters. Pray for him, peace, and the recovery of our Nation instead of spreading the hate that most are participating in at this time. Especially in the Spiritual community; everyone, is a Hypocrite. Takes one to know one….

At least be honest about your Ugly.

We have ‘domestic terrorism’ occurring on the daily, people living their video games out loud, and we are scared to send our children to the forced public school system which helps fund this nation. The only reason our kids are forced to go to school is so that the Government can have money. It is not so we can lead the World. Common Core. Hello? A Government that allows its nation to consume ridiculous amount of GMO’s, regardless of profit, does not have your best interest at heart nor our children. Teacher pay rate… Hello?

Most people cannot afford to buy homes so the Government cannot collect property tax. So what is a manipulative government supposed to do? They have to find a way to produce the money they need. Sherwood forest or bust. Nottingham is never far away you know.

You can take control. Fortunately, this is still America and you are given the freedom to CHOSE.

Oh where is J.F.K ?

America that was once a gold mind will soon be a barren land. I do not hate my Country. My Father fought three World Wars to defend it. And, even though my family suffered horribly from his PTSD, America has much to offer. However, most of us just cannot find it. And my fellow Americans are just sheep. And they are asleep. These things that are happening while everyone sits on their couches every night with their nose stuck to their phones and no one is paying any attention. Or either, those in the Spiritual community are all out and about seeking their Twin Flames and have no idea what they are seeking is to actually be destroyed. Scorpio is Kundalini. But Uranus in Taurus is coming folks. And no one is talking about what is really going to happen.

In the next five years alone, Planet Earth, will indeed, run out of oil. Ask anyone working on the pipeline. Ask them when their work contracts end. At the same time. Are you ready for alternative energy? No, you are not

The Euro, we all know it is the first financial market to fall. All others will follow suite. I can continue on and on but no one is going to listen to me, anyway. But, I will be ready with or without anyone else.

Jupiter in Scorpio at this time in History, and according to the Planetary alignments that follow, are showing me that we should be combining all resources at this time. Sustainable communities need to be to construct immediately and should be underway. But they are not. Instead Mr. Musk is sending his expensive toy Drone to find other Planets to destroy because the Earth is out of the gifts it once offered. It is a hot mess on Planet Earth.

I can spend all my time writing minor things that just do not matter but these are the thoughts that keep me awake at night. The things I know, and see, I cannot change alone. All I can do is make sure that I am ready when the time comes. The last time that Uranus was in Taurus was the Dust Bowl, the Great Depression, Stock Market collapse, etc. And our Karma says that we are going to have to clean up the mess our Ancestors created.

My best advice to any ear that will listen is to find the people that you would want to be around in Crisis. After an experience of being in the Eye of a Category 5 Hurricane this past Summer my understanding of the word ‘Tribe’ has forever changed. Find your people, find your spot, grow your own food. I cannot express this enough.

It is going to be a long, hard four years. We are just getting started. History does repeat itself. I have no fear because I am ready as I can be. With or without money. And, I hope I am totally wrong and it all fixes itself or the Aliens show up. I am ready for that too! Lol!

Law of Attraction can change the force of nature.

An Alchemist creates something from nothing.

Extreme poverty has taught me a great deal.

Survival is not glamorous, but I know how.

Namaste Y’all!

Please pardon my progress and my messy blog.

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