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Juno Retrograde

Every form of refuge has its price- Eagles

The Asteroid Juno in a natal Chart represents where we give up our freedom for comfort, security, in pursuit of the life we want to experience with others. Juno represents the people we seek to marry or partner and our own individual, flexible boundaries with others. She is the Goddess of Marriage and Maternity in the Highest Octave of Gemini in the Element of Air.

Juno can also show what mark your children will have on the Collective Conscious and the lessons you need to teach them for the Greatest Good.

When Juno is direct relationships move along nicely and most marriages function as a single unit. And then Juno goes retrograde….

The famous Seven Year Itch can be triggered by an Asteroid named Juno who was one of Jupiter’s women. Jupiter was a Ho’ 😊 She stood by her man regardless. Is this you?

Juno goes retrograde every 4.5/5 years and history shows over and over that even the biggest Corporations are not immune to Astrological Events. Besides the record Divorce Rate that is approaching, Corporate will begin to fall apart, as well. Along with Uranus in Taurus coming and the take down of the Patriarchy in full swing thanks to Jupiter in Scorpio …let the games begin!

Juno Retrograde will occur October 11- December 23, 2018. For information about the aspects associated with Juno Retrograde, stay tuned and let me know if you are interested!


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