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Full Moon Intention...

Mating season is upon us and this is no ordinary reproductive cycle as the Sun crosses Neptune. And a Juno Retrograde (see next blog) coming is preparing me for the Divorce Rate that is about to break historic records. A place we have never been. 160ish years ago, United States was creating its full karma, out loud, and now we get to clean up the mess. Prepare for a Revolution in the New Age.

The next 4 years and we are re-writing History, folks, and I am keeping myself healthy, so I can help write the History books. And the Universe is going to pay me and I will have my day. ‘I AM’ Statements are Air Magic. I encourage you to use this tool in your everyday life. Tell The Universe what you want in your best intent. It works….

With that being said, I am here to offer a service. It seems that I spend most energy helping folks understand the Esoteric nightmare that is not clear to most. Meaning, that there are too many schools, too many books, too many paths, too many teachers: there is just too much information. And unfortunate it is mass confusion for the Spiritually Awake. The Sheep do not care because they only read one Book. Although that Book is the same message found in every Ancient Text, written by different people, in every language. Love is the only Universal Language left.

Common Core took the math dominance away from United States. Now we won’t be included in the Mathematical, Critical, World Decisions, because our children cannot write their own language besides comprehend Ancient Mathematics. And with the take down of Southern Heritage, seems we are being wiped of the Akashick Record, in my opinion. History always repeats its self, but it did not work for Ramses or Ceasar. And, in this time in history, people are victims of manipulation with a spell of confusion; in regard, to Religion and Philosophy, everything is a mess. Manipulation has fueled Planet Earth for millions of years and it is no more apparent in the American Culture and the Zombie Apocalypse that is the New America. Racism is exposed, finally, sexual exploitation is expose, finally, GMO’s, Autism, Poverty, the list is endless. And, the money dependency, and the lack of, is a different form of slavery. We just changed the media which fuels manipulation, money is the invisible chain of slavery and everyone is suffering from Post Tramatic Life Disorder. America is drowning in the Grey Area looking for Captains. I am not a follower so be it…


My clients ask me, “What is the point?” Well I do not know so let’s find out.

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