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The Nornir Reading for Step 0 Leo

Taken from The Book of Runes -Francis Melville

The Nornir

These three sister goddesses are the spinners and weavers of the fates humans and Gods. They represent the triple lunar goddesses, ruling over the three aspects of time: past, present, future.

This simple Runecast involves selecting three Runes to represent the Nornir.

The first is the Urd Rune, symbolizing the past; the second is Verdandi Rune, representing the present; and the third is the Skuld Rune, signifying the future.

Verdandi was a stern taskmistress, demanding, honest, correctness and responsibility.

The Ansuz Rune : The Germanic word ansuz means God, as does it’s Old English equivalent ṒS, which also means mouth of a God. Or that which issues from the mouth of God. Ansuz is both that which inspires and inspiration, itself. Ansuz advises us to seek wise counsel and consider, deeply before taking an important step. It can also represent the opportunity to receive or transmit a key piece of wisdom from the ancestral world soul.

Literal meaning is advice, communication, contemplation, inspiration, authority, tradition, and blessing. Esoteric translation is initiation, divine inspiration

Ansuz represents Mercury, the healing plant of Fly Agaric, dark blue and the wolf.

Urd is an old Crone that represents the past and could predict the future through her knowledge of past events and foretell people’s fate based on their predisposition.

The Mannaz Rune translates as human and represents the mystery of each human beings relationship with other humans, the rest of creation and the divine will.

Mannaz represents the mystery of this most fundamental relationship the microcosm of the universe. It represents the transcendent, androgynous, divinity conscious human.

Literal representation is The Self, family member, friendship, association, rational intelligence, race, memory. Esoteric translation is Transcendental Consciousness, the individual as a microcosm, shaman and spiritual healer.

In simple terms it represents Aquarius, the healing plant of Mandrake, and the color red, and the Hawk: a hawk appeared as this was typed.

Reversed- Isolation, greed, selfishness, egocentricity. Isolation is definitely the message here

The Goddess Skuld represents the future and sees that people learn from their past mistakes. These lessons help progress rather than remaining stagnant.

The Eihwaz Rune describes the yew tree, one of the revered trees among the northern European peoples and considered by some to be the symbol fir the world tree Yggdrasil rather than the ash.

The Yew is toxic but effective in anticarcogentic prevention. It represents a hook that can capture and bind. Eihwaz is therefore a powerful tool in the hands of those who can aim carefully. It is a magic wand that gives power over life and death. Also, can signify symbolic death, such as the end of a relationship, but more often it is a sign of empowerment, frequently of a mystical nature.

Literal meaning of Eihwaz is flexibility, endurance, change, protection, empowerment, problem solving. Esoteric meaning is the magical empowerment, psychic protection, spiritual attainment.

Represents Scorpio, the healing plant of Mandrake, the color black, the letters e and or I, and the hedgehog

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