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Scorpio: Boundaries Defined

The Battle of My Ego 2017

Hi, I am Dana. I am just like you as you are to me. I am the epitome of a broken system and I know that I was created to make a difference. I know many like me. But who am I to decide that I can teach others who feel the same as I? Who are we exactly?

We have many names but you know as the dumb-ass, loser, the lost, the broken, etc. but what you do not know is our story. No one ever considers there may be another version. We are the people that are called to do the work of God. We have had to bend, and break, according to your rules. But, honestly, we are actually not the lost or broken. Thanks for your assistance. Maybe someone would like to hear our side of the story? You might as well listen. We will not go away

The Role of the Scorpio

Shout out to the Scorpio people! We get a bad rap on Planet Earth and we are mostly known as ‘The Destroyer’. And, if you have done your Soul Work, and learn through the perception of others, I am positive most of you can identify with some truth in that thinking. Before you put your shield up, I would like to share my thinking about the Scorpio personality.

Pisces and Scorpios

The most important thing for people to understand is that there are two Astrology Signs that are very connected to the Spirit Realm: Pisces and Scorpio. Although there are many traits, and lessons, that can lead you into the Spiritual Realm, the Scorpio is much more quite about the things that they think, and SEE . It is through their Ego statement that you understand them.

Unlike the peaceful Pisces floating around in Aquarius Sauce- most Scorpios are truly peaceful and some of us just disappear.

And with every Sun Sign, there are the others that act on the hurt they feel so deeply and dark things happen.

I have seen Scorpio women do some serious damage to people; me included. The sad part is that I never meant to hurt anyone. Unfortunate, that once a Scorpio finds out they have indeed been betrayed, the turmoil that becomes Hell in our souls, is then truly showcased in our behavior.

It is when the Destroyed becomes the Destroyer and then the Karma Bus shows up.

The wake of karma we leave in our path is not even intended. Thoughts become things. Scorpios are very magic beings regardless what you have learned on Planet Earth. We all are born with a little magic. But, when a Scorpio learns the power of her Magic, she becomes God’s Little Helper.

No Grey Area!

The Scorpio world is ruled by two dimensions-black or white- yes or no. There are no in-betweens. You either hate us or you love us. Love would be the best thing for you to do because, when a Scorpio loves someone, we will escort someone to the gates of Hell for looking at you crossly. But, then at the same time, when we know a situation is hopeless, most of us Gaslight.

Some things cannot be solved with negotiation because we understand the battle of Ego. And with the Psychic Intuition powered by karma, through the Third-Eye, we just know when things are not worth the fight.

There are three basic things that a Scorpio can do to heal their wounds and find a brighter future. These rules apply to every Sun Sign but Scorpios are more realistic about their Darkness because it becomes a part of who we are whether anyone knows or not.

An Evolved Scorpio learns to give her bad traits a job because it would be a waste to not use what we have mastered.

Secondly, a trait of an Evolved Scorpio is that we understand the difference between Trauma or Drama. We live in the invisible boundary of life and death and people are always showing up because they do not have boundaries. Unfortunate, if you are not the one manipulating you are the one being manipulated, Use it for the greatest good. Write these stories down. More on the reversal of manipulation, soon.

Third, Students show up and we teach them boundaries because they have none; meanwhile, ours get stronger. Hence ‘The Destroyer.’ It’s a delicate balance of nature and a part of the job we signed up to do. It gets exhausting. And, Scorpios have reincarnated many times. We knew what Garden of Eden was supposed to represents so save your Drama for your Mama or prepare for the Eye-Roll. Scorpio trait. Nothing personal.

Lastly, when a Scorpio women get real about her healing she starts looking for other ways to heal herself. She runs out of options and suicide is not worth the risk of coming back to this Hell Hole, again. For some of us, this Earth Walk has been a bad MoFo and the struggle is hard to explain.

Past-Life Regression is Boundary Reconstruction

The quickest way to get into a healing path is Past-Life Regression. Especially for the Scorpio Women. They have answers to life’s mysteries; some may never even consider their visions. I did not believe once, either. Give it a try you have nothing to lose; especially, if you have exhausted all traditional options. Modern medicine cannot heal Past-Life Karma. Medication just quits the demons. They will find a way to get out so you might as well learn to live with them. Also, take everything that you hate and turn it into a profession. Be 100% real about the darkness you feel. Not dealing with it head on is hard on your soul. It is who you are and with good reason.

Whatever has been done to you find out why you allowed it in the first place. Accepting responsibility is the first step in healing. No one is going to make you feel better but you so you might as well get busy. Open that door and walk through. It’s worth peaking inside.

From Scorpio to another-

I hope you find a reason to smile and you are proud of yourself before you leave this Earth Walk!

We are just walking each other home~ Ram Doss

If you would like to schedule an appointment with me please send me an email.

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Collaborative effort for the Age of Aquarius!

Let's do this!

Up next: A discussion about the Nodes. Watch this:

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