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Namaste! I am just winging it!




I have been trying to get this together for years but I never really had the courage, let alone, figure out exactly which direction I was going with my Brand and Blog. But, then once day, God Universe steps-in changes your plans and you are clueless what to do so you do what you know. And, I know a lot. That is not an Ego statement.

A little about me….

My visit here on Planet Hell, otherwise known as Earth, has not been kind to me. I can look back on my life and there is no happiness, joy or love. There is only sadness, pain, and intense struggle. I can honestly say, the best thing that has ever happened to me, besides the love of my children, is that I did not receive Electric Shock Therapy. No joke.

I am a Survivor.

I am still here. I am no longer a victim. I stand strong and determined that I will not revisit this existence ever again. Unless, I come back with Jesus, I am committed to the conviction that this is my last-life here and I am going to Fly My Freak Flag as I ‘Peace-Out’a here!’ My Soul has been here too many times so I am just going to share what I do know and what I know best is the Science and Art in Healing. I have spent 50 years trying to mend my broken heart and trust me when I say I have tried everything. I may not have every answer but I do know that Healing can be achieved. Matter of fact, I cannot wait for my Psychiatrist of 15 years to read this Blog. This is everything I did not share with him. I do not encourage anyone to not be deceitful with their Therapist but if you have been in a straight jacket before, you know exactly why we only tell Professionals what they want to hear and not the truth.

It is time, my friend, for you to do the same and then help others through your struggle. It is time to stand up and be strong. You cannot do the work you were sent here to do unless you are bullet-proof. Unfortunately, everyone is so broken, depleted, from not taking care of themselves, the task at hand has become quite large.

One magic word can change someone’s life. Be that person.

Spirit tells me that we need to hurry up and figure out how to move past our pain because we are doing this wrong. I don’t believe in sitting around and talking about our misfortunes because talking does not solve anything.

Actions are the catalyst needed to shift the Collective Conscious and we need Leaders.

Leading by example is a good start. Even if you fail while trying never forget that we are all hypocrites. What makes us different is that we are not scared to say ‘I failed,’ meanwhile trying not to judge others even though they harshly judge us.

The world has become black and white and the great division has begun. Hate or Hope. Which camp are you attending?

I am here today to help the Masters become Teachers. My services are intended for the people that have done their homework and can translate Enlightenment Lingo. I will not refuse anyone but if you are serious about Healing, you have found the right place. And, if I think that I am not your Teacher, I will find one for you. I will be typing about my experiences, through first-person, and although I am not comfortable in writing about myself, this is not about me. It is to help you be comfortable with me because I am just like


I am out there, Man, and there is no shame in my insane!

Embrace your madness because in those moments of insanity are the secrets encoded to heal Planet Earth. I promise this is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I am just winging this so please pardon my progress. There is not an instruction guide for Psychics but I am living it and writing about it as I go along.

So, hang around. Ask questions. Stalk. I do not care what you chose to do but please do something. Try something new because what we have been taught, has not served us.


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