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Numerolgy and the Akashic Record 


Using the Soul Number hidden in the Akashic Natal Chart, this live 30 minute reading teaches the student how to apply the 5 Elements to the daily walk.


Totem is an Ancient form of divinty used through the ages since time begin.


Totem Magic was means for the repressed to evolve in harsh conditons.  Using the Soul's own unique Sacred Geometry, the Fool's Guide to Totem magic helps the student apply symbolisim to everyday life. 


Nature is always speaking to us through the Law of Atrraction.


Mindfulless is easy when you are hyper aware of your surroundings. 





Tarot, Runes, Crystals, Herbs, Oils, Food, Colors in every school of Divinty based on your Ancient DNA with a personal prinout.


Evening Appointments only


Please email for more information





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Holistic Hypocrite. All Rights Reserved

Fool's Guide to Totem Magic

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